14 November 2010
Again, MIA MICHAELS. THE BEST. Hands down.
Will I wake tomorrow form this nightmare?
Labels: Dancefloor Diva
25 October 2010
As I live and breathe... D-A-N-C-E.
Labels: D-Uh, Dancefloor Diva
02 October 2010
And, boy, can the Glee blonde shake those hips better than Miss Spears. Don't you think? DONCHATHINK?!?
I'm a slaaaaaaave for yah!
Labels: Daily Dose, Dancefloor Diva
28 September 2010

The winner takes it all.
Labels: Destination: Rapan
16 September 2010
25 August 2010
OMGGG!! I'm so excited. JOY-gasms! Britney and Brittany (from Glee) dance showdown coming soon!

All the GLEEkers in the crowd, grab a partner, take it down!
Labels: Dancefloor Diva, Dearlings, Ding Dong
22 August 2010
"Gravity" by Sara Bareilles
I don't think I can stand needing you so much and knowing you're not mine. ♡
Labels: Dancefloor Diva
10 July 2010
by Sara Bareilles
You and me will always be between the lines...
Labels: DJ D, Dram-dramzzz
01 July 2010
"Getting Over You"
David Guetta feat Fergie & LMFAO
Let's partaaaaaay!!!***********************************
Labels: DJ D
13 June 2010
What's so special about my blog? Seriously!! Because I just can't imagine how I'm getting all these hits. Hundreds of hits in a day! LOL
Anyhoo, thanks for dropping by and I hope it didn't disappoint youse.
Labels: Ding Dong
11 June 2010
in 4 hours and 48 minutes
Labels: Dribble n' Kick
HANDS DOWN. Best. Routine. Ever.
Dance through your heart! ♥
performing the Pas de Deux
Music: David Archuleta's "Imagine"
Labels: Daily Dose, Dancefloor Diva
06 June 2010
If I were to do a music video like that, I would've chosen to kidnap James Taylor. LOL
What about you?
Are you mine? Are you mine?
'Cause I stay here all the time,
Watching telly, Drinking wine,
Who'd have known, Who'd have known?
When you flash up on my phone,
I no longer feel alone.
Labels: DJ D
31 May 2010

Follow me on Twitter and drown in my "pointless babbles" and chats: DanaDaDiva
I smell like antibiotics. I guess I'm off limits today. Eugh.
Labels: Daily Dose, Do Ask Do Tell
30 May 2010
Isn't this A-some??? OK. I'm just incredibly like increDUHbly stoked right now having found out that Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley will star in Paramount's Transformers 3 (2011). Apparently, she has replaced Megan Fox -- a fact that doesn't really make me wanna cry at all. The British fashion model has been one of my favorite VS Angels and y'all know how much I lurrrve the lingerie line... so I'm just delighted to see her on the big screen.
Tweet from Miss @Rosie_Whiteley scripts.... check. Hot chocolate..... check. Papers on the table.....check. Who said that I don't have awesome job? =p
Labels: Daily Dose, Drippin' Wet
29 May 2010
D's Song for the Week: Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk - "Paperweight"
0 comments xoxo DanaDaDiva at 10:53 PM"Paperweight" LIVE
Every word you say, I think I should write down
Don't want to forget come daylight
27 May 2010
I lurrrve Lady Gaga.
I lurrrve Paparazzi.
I lurrrve piano.
I lurrrve Dracula musicals.
I lurrrve brilliant cute boys. (OK. That came out wrong.. There goes my inner "COUGAR". LOL)
Anyhoo, OK.. Let's give 12-year old Oklahoma-born Greyson a chance! (Spot the pun?) He's got it goin' on, people!! Even more talented than Justin Bieber, I dare say... Isn't he just adorable with his awesome little Dracula voice? I can't help but compare him to a mini-Peter Bretter (Jason Segel's awesome character) from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. LOL :))
Greyson Chance performing Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi"
I'm your biggest fan; I'll follow you until you lurrrve me. -- Kuh-reepy much?
Labels: DJ D, Drippin' Wet, Drool-worthy
I bet most of you didn’t have me down as a cursing type of person. Perhaps, five years ago I would have given you a high-five. But trust me, right now I’ve got a potty mouth like a British football hooligan whose team is about to lose. Thing is, I just don’t display it for the entire world to hear. I mean definitely not in front of my parents and/or mates who I respect highly. LOL. But let me tell you something… Everyday, around 11:45 in the morning, curses in different languages slip out of my mad mouth uncontrollably. It’s hysterical! I’m actually quite surprised with myself that I’m filthily curse-fluent. As to the why 11:45 in the morning? I’m gonna keep mum about it for now. Don’t get all crazy with your guesses, yea?
If you wanna hear me in all my smutty glory, make sure to hang out with me when I’m (1) playing football on the field; (2) on my laptop procrastinating on paperwork; (3) driving for more than five minutes; and (4) doing “it-that-must-not-be-named-for-now” around 11:45 AM. SAH-LUDDD!
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shittification. Shit.
Labels: Do Ask Do Tell
26 May 2010
OK. So how awesome was Momma Bowersox with her final performance? Breathtaking song, brilliant guitar skills, and outstanding vocals, yea? It would be an utter disappointment if America won't let her bring home the bacon!! GO CRYSTAL BOWERSOX!!!
Some days I look down
Afraid, afraid I will fall
And though the sun shines
I see nothing at all
Labels: DJ D
23 May 2010
DanaDaDiva Says:
Labels: Ding Dong
16 May 2010
"Everybody" by Backstreet Boys
"Summer Girls" by LFO
I like Kevin Bacon but I hate Footloose!
Labels: Dearlings, Dilly-Dally
14 May 2010
Lyrics | Gravity lyrics
Something always brings me back to you...
It never takes too long..
Labels: DJ D
10 May 2010
15 oral reprimands. 2 calls to the Prefect’s office. 6 poor people who cried their eyes out. 4 shattered lives.
The venom that was Dana Valencia. The venom that was me.
I don’t exactly call myself a bully. Hell, I didn’t have any reason to hate. I didn’t have any “scars” or whatever shit “damaged” people have gone through in their distinct morbid pasts. Hell, I am not weak. I am sure I wouldn’t end up like one of those wretched people who cut their wrists, smoke like a fucking human chimney, and wrap themselves in black faking the slurring talk.
They say that things happen for a reason. Dark things happen for just as a dark reason. People hurt themselves for a dark reason, take drugs for a dark reason, drink until their livers give up for a dark reason, and make other people feel like shit for a dark reason.
I don’t really have a dark reason. At least, that is what I believe.
But I admit that I might be mad for being callous to other people’s pain. I might be mad for being a tad too interested in other people’s weaknesses.
“You are a very dangerous one, Dana Valencia,” a friend once told me. If it weren’t for her chuckling three seconds after, my heart would have stopped beating and I’d die right then and there for the bluntness of her words. There was a noticeable tinge of bitterness in her voice that she resiliently tried to suppress and the bitter taste crept along my spine up to my deadened brain. Flashbacks then plunged into my mind like spiteful daggers thrown mercilessly. It’s true; I had been a ruthless bitch. Many, many times before.
And as much as I try to hide guilt from everything and everyone I’ve fucked up, and as much as I would love to move on and breathe in an untroubled life as a harmless, nontoxic human being, the thought that I am indeed a “living venom” crashes upon me like an unforgiving reality.
The venom that was is Dana Valencia. The venom that was is me.
For some stupid and unexpected reason, I am held responsible for other people’s lives. So that entitles me of causing them enough pain, even shattering them to pieces, and this is what frightens me the most. If I started to care, if I started to hold onto them, if I started to share my life with them, I have also begun to contaminate them that might also possibly destroy them in the end. I don’t know what people should call me. A Patron tequila shot? A conspirator? A parasite? A vampire, perhaps? I haven’t got any idea but I’m akin to all of those treacherous things. Once I’ve discovered your weak spot, I will go pacing around that and if I fancy attacking you, I would use it shamelessly against you. It’s alarming, even for me. And this is exactly why I refuse to be in a fucking intense linkage with any breathing creature. I might as well sleep with a pillow or talk to a brick wall. That
The venom that was is will always be Dana Valencia. The venom that was is will always be me.
You have been warned.
Labels: Do Ask Do Tell
02 May 2010
Time to shake yo' bootays!! Bailamossss!
Let the fun begin!!
Labels: DJ D
07 April 2010
A real friend… Really, how can you tell? Well, I happen to know. You are a “real friend” of mine if you…
- Know that I eat like I have Prader-Willi Syndrome and it’s not an enigma for you how I manage to stay in shape exactly;
- Know that I fancy wearing long-sleeves but that’s certainly NOT because I have heroin injections or slutty tattoos all over my arms;
- Have seen me in my knickers (VS Pink undies!) which I sleep in and sometimes walk around my bedroom (which is BTW called the “Tangerine Room”) in;
- Know that I’m secretly in love with James Taylor and his brilliant plucking skills;
- Know what ghastly transformation I've gone through: From Korean -> Thai -> Canadian -> Japanese (particularly from Okinawa) -> Hippie -> Taiwanese -> Am-Girl -> Na’vi -> Blondeonite! Thank god, I’ve never been called a Neanderthal;
- Know that I was once a sarcastic biotch slash bully who practices emotional terrorism;
- Have seen me pointless
- … and drunk;
- Have seen me with a fag in my mouth but, really, you know very well that I DON'T EFFING DO CIGARETTES;
- Know I'm an ‘only daughter’ and sandwiched in the family tree by a couple of barmy, nosy brahs;
- Know that I can't live without noodles (ramen in particular);
- Know that I have a serious case of ADHD and you bloody know just how to handle me;
- Believe that deep inside I'm quite a good person (with an orange halo!) though I usually (and deliberately) give off a snobbish or biotchy impression;
- Know when it's time to stop handing me vodka shots (the heavy yet elated scarlet eyes, the “conyo” talk, and the purring sound!);
- Are able to tolerate my moods but I'm just always soooo effing energetic and loquacious (which exhausts you most of the time);
- Know which outrageous song I will sing first on karaoke;
- Know what instrument I will grab first during RockBand gigathons;
- Have found out that I'm best with friendly-fires (Shows what kind of mate I really am, eh?);
- Know when smth's wrong with me (that is sometimes toooo obvious);
- Automatically assume that I prolly won't reply to your text messages because I simply hate texting;
- Know that every so often I’m weird so I'd talk about how different the sky’s shades of blue are compared to yesterday;
- Know that I can’t sleep without a tad of luminosity and a comfy duvet, and I snore;
- Know that I turn into an effing schizo – talking to myself or to my laptop during paper crammings;
- Have seen me at my worst (probably when I have an incredibly runny nose or my puffy eyes without the eyeliner);
- Know my most disgusting habits like munching on dead skin cells around my fingernails;
- Have seen some of my old artworks as I don't really swank about them much now;
- Know when I'm full of bullshit or not;
- Know how to pacify me when I'm out of control;
- Know what frightens me the most (i.e. men wearing huge black gas masks who look like mad terrorists or lunatic Anthrax-slayers or just plain psychos);
- Know when to slap me;
- Know when to give me a hug.
Now, let’s re-evaluate our relationship here. Are you truly a real friend of mine? If you are then CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve survived one nightmare of a friendship.
Labels: Do Ask Do Tell